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Cancellation and Refund Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2024

At HARIV Web Technologies, we are committed to delivering high-quality web design services tailored to our clients’ needs. However, we understand that situations may arise that require cancellations or refunds. This Cancellation & Refund Policy explains the conditions under which cancellations are accepted and how refunds are processed.

1. Cancellation Policy

  • 1.1 Cancellation by the Client:
    Clients can cancel a project at any time by providing written notice to HARIV Web Technologies. Cancellations made within 48 hours of signing the contract will incur no penalty, and any deposit paid will be fully refunded.
  • If a project is canceled after 48 hours but before the design work begins, HARIV Web Technologies reserves the right to retain a portion of the deposit to cover administrative costs.
  • If the project is canceled after design or development has started, the client will be billed for any work completed up until the cancellation date, including time spent on design, development, consultation, or other services rendered.

1.2 Cancellation by HARIV Web Technologies:

HARIV Web Technologies reserves the right to cancel a project under specific circumstances, such as:

  • The client fails to provide the required information or materials within a reasonable time.
  • Unforeseen technical or operational issues.
  • The client makes unethical or illegal requests.
  • If HARIV Web Technologies cancels a project, a full or partial refund will be provided, depending on the work completed and any associated costs.

2. Refund Policy

2.1 Refunds on Deposits:

  • Full Refund: A full refund of the deposit will be granted if the client cancels the project within 48 hours of payment, provided no design work has started.
  • Partial Refund: If design or development work has commenced, refunds will be calculated based on the hours worked and expenses incurred up to the cancellation date.

2.2 No Refunds:

  • No refunds will be issued once the project is completed and delivered.
  • Domain registrations, hosting services, SSL certificates, and third-party software or services purchased on behalf of the client are non-refundable.

3. Refund Processing Timelines

If applicable, refunds will be processed within 14 business days from the date of cancellation approval.

4. Contact Us

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this Cancellation & Refund Policy, please contact us at:

Email: contact@harivwebtech.com
Phone: +91 8883573777
Address: No:1, First Floor, FCI Road, Gandhimaa Nagar, Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641004